Temp Jobs in Toronto
Offer Cost-Saving Benefits

When you do the math, you may be surprised to find out how much your permanent workers cost. You're familiar with the hourly rates, but have you ever added in the hidden costs to pay and compensate employees? Extra Industrial Personnel can help you figure out the numbers and weigh the costs. In the end, you may conclude that temp jobs in Toronto are more cost-effective for your short-term and temporary projects.

Worker With a Box Workers In an Office Industrial Worker Worker Communicating Over Radio

Breaking It Down

By taking the time to look into those hidden costs, you may find these costs add as much as 25% to the hourly wage. This is due to:

Mandatory Government Remittances

  • Canada Pension Plan
  • Employment Insurance
  • Employer Health Tax
  • Workplace Safety Insurance Coverage

Administration Costs

  • Payroll Set-Up
  • Benefits Administration
  • Government Remittances
  • Regular Pay Cheques
  • Annual T-4 Slips
  • Records of Employment

Employee Benefits

  • Vacation Pay
  • Benefits Package
  • Statutory Holiday Pay
  • Severance Pay

Hiring Costs

  • Advertising
  • Interview Time
  • Reference Checking
  • Applicant Testing

If you work on short-term projects, permanent employees may not be the right fit. When the numbers convince you to increase the temporary services at your company, call us to find the workers you need.